VULTURES VENGEANCE: A personal sound

vultures-vengeance_1After the really promising demo “Rising”,  Italy’s Vultures Vengeance secured a deal With Gates Of Hell Records and released the mini album “Where The Time Dwelt In” last October. It took some time to finish this interview, but in the  end, all band members contributed to what can be viewed as a follow up to the chat we had back when the band  first sprang onto the scene. Continue reading


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Towards the end of last year I got the chance to listen to “Rising”, the debut demo from Vultures Vengeance, an Italian band dealing in surprisingly heavy, obscure and dark metal. A really nice surprise, and something different from all the retro acts occupied by trying to replicate the sound and feeling of the NWOBHM as perfect as possible. More or less the whole band got together to answer my questions, for what is one of the first (if not the first) attempt at an in depth interview with the Italians.  Continue reading