ETERNAL CHAMPION: Leaning into strenghts

If you dive into the archive section of this site, something I strongly recommend you to do as there is a lot to read there, you can already find three interviews I did with Eternal Champion in the past. The first one was published right after the band released their demo, while I spoke to the guys again when they did the split release with Gatekeeper back in 2015. The last time I hooked up with the band was of course when the put out their debut album, the mighty “The Armor Of Ire” was hot off the press back in the autumn of 2016. Like always, singer Jason Tarpey is the one answering my questions. Looking back at “The Armor Of Ire” with a bit of distance to it, is he more satisfied  with it now compared to when you had it finished, or is it perhaps the other way around?

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ETERNAL CHAMPION: Not driven by praise

13912812_881792828592612_4290266508977752038_nA lot of the background and history of Eternal Champion were covered in the first and second interview we did with the guys. This Third one could and probably should, have been published earlier, but singer Jason Tarpey is a busy guy, and it has been a tough couple of months for me as well, not being able to devote as much time as I like to the site. However, patience is always rewarded, and here is chance to get some information on “The Armor Of Ire”, clearly one of the very best releases of 2016. Continue reading